Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm all over the place

Yippee! Yahoo! Zipp zipp zipp.
This is happening:
and this is happening:

I've been cast in the indie feature film "Alienate" as Amy Madison, to be shot in Utah this summer. Michael Shumway is directing, and I'm very excited to be working with him. Check out this short he directed last summer:

and this just happened (in case you missed it via facebook):

Nonsense? Yes. But I'm moving in with those girls, so I thought I'd introduce you to my new friends. (one of them is not a girl, and he will not be joining us)

Also, I thought I'd start a "favorite item of the week" thing. Why? Because I don't necessarily believe in "favorites." Why? Because mine change all the time. Favorite color? Don't have one. Favorite restaurant? Don't have one. But I do have favorites. And I want to share them with you.

THE YOGG FAVORITE ITEM OF THE WEEK: Dermasil Lotion, $1 @ Dollar Tree. It is da bomb. Controls even severe dry skin. Skin Lipid & EFA Treatment (whatever that means). Hypo-Allergenic.

----If you sign up for Actors Access, also sign up for ShowFax. You pay a $68 fee for ShowFax and get unlimited submissions through Actors Access. Otherwise, they're $2 a pop, and that adds up fast. This is if you don't have an agent, like me! :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Why, hello there. Like my answering machine, my blog is a place for you to leave messages about what you think of me, or what you would like from me. The added bonus to reading my blog versus calling me and leaving a message, is you actually get to find out what happened to me recently. "Wow! Could this get any better?" you might ask. Let's hope so.

The end of May. I made it through one month living in California. And what better way to commemorate this special day than to receive my first parking ticket in L.A. $68. Stupid sauce.

To celebrate, I decided NOT to drive 15 minutes to the Observatory, but instead to walk 10 minutes to the nearest redbox and rent "My Week With Marilyn." Michelle Williams did a superb job as Marilyn, and it is always a pleasure to hear Kenneth Branagh speak. The story was only so-so, besides the fact that I could relate to the troublesome notion that a lot of actors have a problem with feeling loved, adored and admired.

When I first drove into the San Fernando valley a month ago, my parents in the car, I thought in my head, "What the hell am I doing?" Those thoughts quickly left and turned into "I think I'm gonna like it here" to "I'm not good enough!" to "How can I afford to live here?!" to "I've burnt the ships! I either do it or it's Chinatown!" Here are a few other thoughts I've had since then:

"Funny how everyone jokes about the Los Angeles river."

"I thought tips would be better in California."

"Driving and talking on the phone is ILLEGAL?!?!!"

"The bums are a heck-of-a-lot crazier here than in Utah."

All in all, I LOVE IT HERE! I'm so glad I finally did it. And I'm glad I am surrounded by people who love me. And the haters...ah! I can't stay mad at choo! MAY THE BLOGGING BEGIN! BSHH!*

 *(sound of champagne bottle being broken on metaphorical ship)